wird hauptsächlich aus braunem Guinea-Kornmehl hergestellt. Das braune Guinea-Korn ist eine Sorte von Sorghumhirse, die in einigen Teilen Afrikas angebaut wird
hat einen reichen, nussigen Geschmack und eine samtige Konsistenz
kann als eigenständiges Frühstücksgericht genossen werden oder als Basis für verschiedene Gerichte wie Akara (frittierte Bällchen aus Bohnen) oder Moi Moi (gedämpfter Pudding aus Bohnen) dienen
We ship fresh Okra, chilli or cooking bananas throughout Germany. If one of our products does not arrive fresh, you will get your money back.
When does my order arrive?
After successful payment, your order will be delivered within 1-3 working days.
Do you send throughout Germany?
Yes, we send our products across Germany and also in Europe.
Is there a minimum order value?
Jaein, there is no minimum order value for dry products and this is € 50.00 for frozen products.
Who is Mama T?
Tina Omorogbe is Mama T. You can find a detailed biography of her and her family at About Us.
When and how can I reach you if I have difficulties when ordering?
The fastest way to reach us via WhatsApp. Alternatively gladly by email or phone
A piece of Africa, a piece of home - to your home!
In Mama T’s Afroshop, the family comes first. But not only the Omorogbe family, but all African families who are far from their home country and still want to feel comfortable in Germany.
We send the same day
Order until 2:00 p.m. and your goods will be sent on the same day. Your order will be delivered to your home in 1-3 working days
Mama t - charity project
Become part of the Mama T charity project in Nigeria!
Support our project for the construction of an orphanage in Lagos. Nigeria.
Every euro counts and brings us a little closer to enable homeless children at home.